The product warranty on the Exide inverter battery is of 60 months.
The product packaging of the inverter contains a battery, water level indicator, and warranty.
It comes with better thermal management in it.
Exide FEMo-IMT1650 battery can recover from deep discharge.
Technical Details
Exide FEM0-IMTT1650 battery capacity is 165 Ah.
The battery technology used is tall and tubular.
It requires less maintenance.
The battery functions well for 1000 cycles @80%DOD.
Product dimensions are 500 (L) x187 (W) x416 (H) with a weight of 62 kg.
A proper thermal management system is used in it, which can handle frequent power cuts effectively.
Battery Backup & Load Capacity
The capacity of the Exide inverter battery is 165 Ah. Therefore, the Exide FEM0-IMTT1650 165Ah Tall Tubular Inverter Battery for the home and the office is suitable to use. It can give a backup of 5 hours to 8 hours on fully charged. It depends on the usage of the electrical appliances on the battery tube light, fan, cooler, and television. Exide designed the inverter batteries suitable for Indian households. Battery Mantra sells the Exide FEM0-IMTT1650 165Ah Tall Tubular Inverter Battery price in Noida at discounted rates on battery exchange.
Check out the best price offers on Exide batteries at Battery Mantra
Exide battery is effective in functioning well during high temperatures. It is a tough inverter battery with thicker plates installed it. Battery Mantra is the one-stop online platform from where anyone can order the Exide battery. Exide FEM0-IMTT1650 165Ah Tall Tubular Inverter Battery is available on same-day delivery with installation.
Order the Exide FEM0-IMTT1650 165Ah Tall Tubular Inverter Battery shop in Noida Extension and pay for the convenience.
The high quality of the sealed packaging is done to avoid product damage during transit.
24 hours of the battery, replacement is available on damage at the Exide FEM0-IMTT1650 165Ah Tall Tubular Inverter Battery shop near me.
GST is charged on the inverter batteries as per government regulations.
Exide FEM0-IMTT1650 165Ah Tall Tubular Inverter Battery Market Price is 19454/-Rs But Offering Just 12349/-Rs in Noida Extension Withe Free Express Delivery & Installation by Experienced and Trusted Technicians.
if you Are Looking a 165Ah Inverter Battery, Exide FEM0-IMTT1650 165Ah Tall Tubular Inverter Battery is the best optation, its Comes With 165Ah & 60 Months*(36 Flat+24 Pro-rata) Warranty, Battery Mantra Offering You At Best Price of Exide FEM0-IMTT1650 165Ah Tall Tubular Inverter Battery at 12349/-Rs in Noida Extension